Class tonight is cancelled due to low attendance. If you meant to have signed up for class please contact me.
It is time to look at mixing up the schedule a little bit🥳 Please send me your requests on the class schedule. Would you like everything in your schedule to remain the same or more/less stretching, cardio, strength, etc.
An example of a change coming is Tuesday/Thursday spin at 7:00. [7:00-7:15 rolling, vibration, dynamic stretching] [7:15-7:45 spin] [7:45-8:00 stretching]. The stretch will be based on all areas that get tight from cycling including quadriceps, hip flexors, hamstrings and hip rotators (muscles that tighten the lower back pulling at the spine/pelvis and this tightness can resulting in low back pain. We will also be opening the chest and shoulders) This would be a great stretch for those that sit often.